logoETHGlobal Brussels




Mobile-first. EVM compatible. Carbon negative. Celo is a blockchain built for the real world.🌱 * We've put together this starter project to help you get started quickly, using contracts already deployed to either testnet or Celo mainnet. The project provides: a storage example, how to iterate through a subgraph. * Advanced developers can use Celo Composer from command-line to customize exactly what platform you want to build for: React, React Native (with or without Expo integration), Angular, or Flutter. It includes a Subgraph integration if you need it. * If you are hacking on the SocialConnect Bounty, check out the Resources and [Cheat Sheet]( https://celoplatform.notion.site/SocialConnect-Cheatsheet-6888c5e36e13436f8491da1bc6622e15). * If you are hacking on the Account Abstraction Bounty, check out this Cheat Sheet to help you get started building quickly. * What to Build Ideas * Resources * Celo Docs * Celo Composer - quickly build, deploy, and iterate on your dApp using Celo Composer CLI - Celo composer tutorials * Tutorials * Need some testnet tokens? Use the alfajores faucet
Prize details coming soon